Chapter 4. References and Resources


4.1. DocBook
4.2. XSLT
4.3. XSLFO
4.4. Questions and Answers

The problem with DocBook is not a lack of documentation. In fact, there are probably too many guides for getting started that well meaning people have posted on the web over the years, but you may have difficulty figuring out which of these guides is current, which addresses your needs, and so on.

Notice that you have to go to two separate places to get the DTD and stylesheets. That may seem strange (and even inconvenient), but there's a reason behind it. The DTD dictates the semantics of a DocBook document. There are some processing expectations associated with many elements, but it is not a requirement and further, there is no presupposition about what tool will be used to process the document. The stylesheets maintained at the DocBook Open Repository are not the last word on processing DocBook documents. You are free to build or buy a different implementation because you own your data.